· Preserve your skin's natural beauty
Just about everyone has a few obvious brown spots on their skin. Age spots, freckels, and various birthmarks are just a few of the commonly known marks generally referred to as pigmented lesions can be ignored, many are quite conspicuous, and can easily detract from your skin's natural beauty.
· What causes these unwanted pigmented lesions?
melanin is what gives our skin its color. The amount of melanin in your skin determines if you have a light or dark complexion. Pigmented lesions are dark in color simply because the melanin is abnormally concentrated in one area of the skin. High concentrations of melanin can be due to various factors. Some types are present at birth, but most occur with age, or as a result of overexposure to the sun's damaging ultraviolet rays.
· How does the laser remove unwanted pigments in the skin?
The laser is one of the most technologically advanced lasers of removing pigmented lesions. The laser removes these pigments with the energy of light. The specialized light produced by the laser is absorbed by the pigmented lesions. The unwanted pigment is then destroyed, thus removing or lightening the lesion.
· What types of brown spots of pigmented lesions will the remove?
The is most commonly used for removing brown age spots, "liver spots", freckles and the other brown birthmarks, such as cafe-au-lait spots and Nevus of ota. Your physician will identify your specific type of lesion and discuss the removal success rate associated with your condition.
· Does the remove my natural skin pigmentation also?
No, the laser light of the was specifically designed to effectively target the dark concentrations of melanin. After the abnormal amounts of melanin are removed, and treatments continues on normal skin, some whitening could occur. However, your body's natural regenerative system would replace the normal melanin over a period of time, returning the skin to its natural color.
· Is the process painful?
The laser emits light in very short pulses. The impact of the energy from the power pulse of light is similar to the snap of a thin rubber band. After the treatment, the area will feel similar to a light sunburn. Typically any discomfort will disappear within a day or so. After the redness clears, the skin returns to its natural color and texture.
· How many treatments sessions will it take to remove the pigmented lesion?
Most common pigmented lesions are removed within one to two treatments. Some deeper lesions will require more treatments.
· Can the excess pigmentation come back?
Common pigmented lesions do not return. Some birthmarks may return after a period of several months to a year. However, the procedure can be repeated.
· What types of post-treatment care is necessary?
Usually, an antibacterial ointment and dress will be applied to the area immediately after treatment. The treated area should be kept clean with a continued application of any ointment given to you by your physician. A shower can be taken the next day, although the treated area should not be scrubbed.
· How do i get started?
Your physician will be happy to discuss this procedure with you. Please feel free to make an appointment for a consultation to discuss your specific needs.
"Since my laser treatment I am no longer self-conscious about the spots on my hand...my skin is now perfectly clear."
- Patient